Friday, September 5, 2014

Excel 2010 - More Basics

Hello fellow readers and welcome back to another edition of El Toro’s Tech Blog.
After a breather from World  Cup 2014 and other things in my life, I wanted to continue where I left off with some more Excel Basics, specifically with the Worksheets. So let’s get started.

Every Excel workbook contains at least one of more worksheets. Worksheets can be very useful in a workbook if you are working with a vast amount of data. They can help you organize the information making it a bit easier to work with down the line. In today’s basics, I will walk you through naming a worksheet tab, adding some color to it and how to add/delete/copy/move worksheets.

When you open up Excel, by default it will open up 3 worksheets named Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3(see below screenshot)

How to Rename a Worksheet
Renaming any or all of these sheets is as easy as 1 of 2 ways:
  • Using the right-click technique and selecting Rename OR
  • Double-click on the sheet name and it will highlight the text indicating it is ready to be renamed.

Once you have renamed the sheet you can either click anywhere in the cells above or press enter to accept the name of the sheet.

How to Insert a Worksheet
Looking at our previous screenshot, right after Sheet3 there is a sheet with what appears to be a sunshine icon on it. This is known as the Insert Worksheet icon. If you want to insert a new sheet, just click on this icon.

It will then create a new worksheet (Sheet4 in the example below)

You could also perform a right-click and select Insert, then choose worksheet and click OK but that’s a few extra steps and our goal is to always be as efficient as possible.

How to Delete a Worksheet
Any worksheet can be easily deleted from a workbook. It could be a blank worksheet or ones that have data.
To delete a worksheet just right click on it and select Delete.

How to Move or Copy a Worksheet
Copying or moving a worksheet is easily done using the right-click feature. Just right-click on the worksheet you wish to move or copy. in the popup menu select Move or Copy (as shown below)

You will then get the Move or Copy dialog box. If you want to move it, select where you wish to move it (by default it assumes you wish to move it to the end).
If you want to make a copy of it and place it at the end, make sure you select the checkbox that says Create a copy. When you have made your selection just click OK

Moving a sheet can also be done by clicking on the sheet in question and dragging it wherever you wish to place it. Once you release your mouse click, it will be right where you wanted it.

How to add Color to your Worksheet Tab
Presentation is everything and nothing shows people how organized you are by adding some color to your worksheet tabs. This can also help organize them making it easier to navigate.
Simply right-click on any one of your worksheet tabs, select Tab Color, then select the color you want by clicking on it. Once you do that, click on a different tab and you will see the tab you added color to.

Easy right? As always, practice makes perfect so feel free to poke around in a blank Excel spreadsheet and you will continue your steps to becoming an Excel wizard. That’s all for today.
Don’t forget to follow my blogs. 
Thanks and Be Safe! =)

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